Maximize IIS application pool availability

Guide: Maximum IIS application pool availability

Building on our last week’s Reset, Restart, Recycle IIS guide, this week we are digging deeper into improving IIS application pool availability.

Head over to How to maximize IIS application pool availability to see how you can tweak your IIS websites to:

  1. Start in 100%-warm state, for best cold-start performance (even after a production restart or recycle)
  2. Have zero startup delay (despite the warmup we just mentioned)

Yes, basically you CAN have your cake and eat it too.

Meaning your website is always warm, and can recycle without the users feeling it. This requires getting a lot of pieces right, and guide shows you exactly how to do that.

Best of all, it requires ZERO code.

Configure it all instantly with the ConfigureWarmup tool

We have a tool that will automatically configure the warmup configuration for your website. We’ll be releasing this tool shortly, but if you want it now, be sure to sign up for the Guide newsletter early access. This will allow you to get all our guides, and tools, before they are publicly released online.

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