LeanSentry Azure deployment using Nuget

Deploy LeanSentry to your Azure application in seconds with our Nuget package!

You can now deploy LeanSentry to your Windows Azure project in just a few keystrokes, by using our Nuget package! This makes deploying to Azure a snap.

Install with:

PM> Install-Package LeanSentryAzureDeployment

As soon as you re-publish your project to Azure normally, LeanSentry will be installed and will begin monitoring the performance and health of your Azure application.

This can make a huge difference, since Azure apps can be so notoriously hard to diagnose when they fail. Esp. when your role keeps recycling due to an unhandled exception or a startup task error – you may not be able to log into your instance, but LeanSentry is running on it and is capturing errors and other interesting events. You can then log into your www.leansentry.com dashboard and troubleshoot from there!

See more here: https://www.nuget.org/packages/LeanSentryAzureDeployment

We are excited to see our users trying LeanSentry out over the last few weeks, and have been getting great feedback that make features like this possible. Keep it coming!

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